OG WhatsApp is a modified version of WhatsApp that has several additional features. These features include no ads and a larger character limit. Moreover, OG Whatsapp also allows you to schedule your messages so that they are automatically sent. This feature is extremely useful for those who want to communicate with friends and family without worrying about their busy schedules. To download Best WhatsApp Mods click here.
OG WhatsApp is a modified version of WhatsApp.
OG WhatsApp APK is an application that lets you send and receive messages using a modified version of WhatsApp. This application is developed by third-party developers and does not follow the official rules and terms of privacy. Because of this, the official WhatsApp application developers may ban you from using OGWhatsApp. However, the developers of OGWhatsApp have made updates to the application, removing bugs and viruses. This application also has a more modern appearance than the original WhatsApp application.
OGWhatsApp has many features, including video calling and more. It has numerous customization options, including multiple themes, color schemes, and text fonts. Users can also hide their last seen status, which is convenient for avoiding unwanted calls. Furthermore, it has a password lock option to prevent unauthorized messages from being delivered.
It has some additional features.
OG WhatsApp offers features unique to this application, such as the ability to download your friends’ statuses. Rather than having to copy and paste the quality of your friends every time, you can download it from your friends’ accounts and save it to your mobile storage. Moreover, OG Whatsapp provides a way to send and receive photos and documents. Furthermore, the app allows you to send up to 100 MB of audio files and more than one hundred pictures simultaneously.
Whatsapp also has a message scheduler that lets you schedule when you send messages to specific people. You can set a certain time of the day when you want to send the messages. Moreover, you can send images through OGWhatsApp, whereas the official application does not allow this. It also has a WhatsApp locker, enabling you to store and send pictures.
It has no ads
If you don’t like pop-up advertisements on your phone, you may want to try OG WhatsApp. This clone of the official WhatsApp app has no ads and is much more convenient to use. Unlike the official app, it also supports up to 90 images per message. Another great feature of OG WhatsApp is the ability to change the theme of your chat screen. Depending on your preferences, you can vary the background colors and even the wallpaper. This application can be downloaded from the app store.
You may use OG Whatsapp as a secondary account. You can use your primary WhatsApp account for business and other important work, while your secondary account is used for chatting and casual communication. You won’t get banned or worry about losing important information. OGWhatsApp also features a lock feature, so it won’t be accidentally opened when you’re not using your phone.
It has more characters.
Compared to WhatsApp, OG WhatsApp gives you more characters to write your status. In contrast to WhatsApp’s 25-character limit, you can write up to 250 characters in OGWhatsApp. Moreover, you can also send files in more formats. This feature allows you to send important documents and photos. It also lets you preview images without downloading them, saving MBs.
Another great feature of OGWhatsApp is that it lets you download your friends’ statuses. This way, you can send it to other WhatsApp users or save it in your mobile’s storage. This feature is not available in official WhatsApp. WhatsApp also allows you to write more than 200 characters in your status to send longer grades to your friends.
It has a backup feature.
You can also make a backup of your WhatsApp messages using OGWhatsApp. OGWhatsApp Pro has a backup feature, which lets you access your notes on another device. If you accidentally delete a message, you can retrieve it by running the backup process. The backup feature lets you view or back up all messages and contacts.
Backing up your messages is one of the essential features of any messaging app. It’s a great way to protect your important information, including images, videos, and documents. It’s also important to create a backup copy before installing a new version of OGWhatsApp. If you haven’t yet done so, open the application and tap on the Update option.